World Thalassemia Day
Interactive business meeting between Accuprec and USA companies organised by Department of Commerce,
FDA approves new treatments for heart disease caused by a serious rare disease, transthyretin mediat
Lupin and Aptissen announce exclusive distribution agreement of Synolis VA for Canada
How Immuno-Oncology Taps Into the Body’s Own Immune System to Fight Cancer
Novartis to acquire Xiidra, expanding front-of-eye portfolio and strengthening leadership in eye car
Indian scientists discover how serotonin helps brain cells cope with stress
Scientists develop device to detect bacteria in minutes
World Asthma Day
Interactive seminar with panel discussion on "How to Go Global"
This injectable gel could one day rebuild muscle, skin, and fat
Gene repair improves memory and seizures in adult autism
First FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of dengue disease in endemic regions
Lupin in alliance with Natco receives FDA approval for Bosentan Tablets
Zydus and SIFI from Italy announce marketing alliance to launch Innovative Intraocular Lenses
To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more
DNA folds into a smart nanocapsule for drug delivery
AstraZeneca starts artificial intelligence collaboration to accelerate drug discovery
Glenmark launches novel, globally-researched anti-diabetes drug Remogliflozin in India