On 8th Foundation Day 10 employees, who completed more than Three years or Four years were felicitated by Accuprec Research Labs. The 3-star and 4-star loyal employees were felicitated by the hands of Swami Dharmapalanandji of Ramakrishna Math, Ahmedabad. All 10 employees presented their sweet memories. Directors - Dr. Manish Rachchh, Shri Mayur Kandoriya and Dr. Rina Gokani congratulated the star employees and thanked them for their valuable contribution in the progress of the CRO.Following employees were felicitated: 1. Anita Patel 2. Dhaval Patel 3. Naresh Makwana 4. Megha Kyada 5. Yash Patel 6. Sukrit Biswas 7. Hetal Vaghasiya 8. Kalpesh Nagar 9. Jignesh Shah 10. Gautam Chauhan