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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

Two week FDP on “Recent Advances in novel drug delivery system” at Ganpat University

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Sponsored Two weeks Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in novel drug delivery system” has been organized from 1st to 14th August 2019 at Ganpat University, Shree S. K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Mehsana, Gujarat.

The inauguration function of this program has been organized on 1st August, 2019 at Seminar Hall of Shree S. K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Ganpat University. In this function, Dr. R. K. Patel, Pro Vice Chancellor & Executive Dean, Ganpat University, Dr. A. N. Misra, Professor, The M. S. University of Baroda, Dr. P. U. Patel, Professor & Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry department, Ganpat University & Dr. R. P. Patel, Program Co-ordinatior, Head of Pharmaceutics department, Ganpat University were present. Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director (R&D) & CEO of Accuprec Research Labs gave presentation on the topic 'IPR - An overview' and discussed with real life problems.

Dr. R. K. Patel has welcomed the participant, introduced the Chief Guest of the function and gave overview of Ganpat University. Dr. A. N. Misra has highlighted the importance of such Faculty Development Program in the professional development and motivated participants to take maximum benefit of such programs in his ceremonial speech. Dr. Misra has also delivered an expert session on “New and Novel Drug Delivery Technologies for Generic Scientific and Commercial Development” during this program. Dr. Rakesh P. Patel, program co-ordinatior of this event has introduced the participants about the theme of this program and has given brief over view on it.

About 42 faculty members and researchers are going to participate in this program. More than 25 eminent academicians and industrial professionals from reputed pharmaceutical companies have been invited to deliver theoretical and practical sessions on various aspects related to novel drug delivery systems such as Liposome, Microspheres, Transdermal Patch, Brain Targeting, Microneedle, Implants, Microbubble, Nanoformulation, Pulmonary drug delivery systems, etc. Field visit at Puniska Healthcare and Camper Healthcare is also planned during this program for the participants to explore current scenario at industry in the areas of novel drug delivery system.

Glimpse of the event:

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