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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

Panel Discussion on e-pharmacy

A Panel Discussion was organized by L. J. Institute of Pharmacy (LJIP) on Saturday, 27th July 2019 at L.J. Campus. The objective of this Panel discussion was to upgrade the knowledge of pharmacy professionals with respect to current scenario in online pharmacy.

The Trustees, Directors, Faculties of L.J. Group of Institutes and More than 350 budding Pharmacists heeded the discussion. Eminent personalities, domain experts and stakeholders; Mr. Montukumar Patel, President, Gujarat State Pharmacy Council (GSPC), Dr. Manoj Ghadhvi, Assistant Drug Commissioner, Food and Drug Control Administration Gujarat (FDCA), Mr. Jasvantbhai Patel, Ex-Chairman of the federation of Gujarat state chemists and druggists association, Mr. Himanshu Thakkar, Eminent advocate and consumer activist, Dr. Supriya Malhotra, HOD, Pharmacology, NHL medical college, Ahmedabad and Mr. Yash Shah, MD and CEO, e-Swasthya Mediserve Pvt. Ltd. participated as Panelists in the program.

The sessions were primarily focused on benefits and shortcomings of E-Pharmacy.The brief background of the topic was delivered by Dr. Shreeraj Shah, Principal, LJIP and the moderator of the panel discussion. He emphasized on the opportunities and the challenges of E-Pharmacy. The topic was deliberated very deeply where many points touching the health of the society were laid down. The session was also opened for Q & A session for the audience.

Mementos were given as a token of thanks to the dignitaries. The constructive comments and suggestions from the domain experts and the stakeholders and the summary of the discussion will be conveyed to the authorities concerned so that they can be included in the final draft/act pertaining to online sale of drugs i.e. e-Pharmacy. The session will definitely prove to be source for better understanding and awareness for the society with reference to e-Pharmacy.

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