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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi


A finishing school for students emphasizes training in all round personality development, cultural and social activities. Specific skill sets may be imparted as value addition and is intended to complete the educational experience of any child. First finishing physiotherapy school programme was organized by school of Physiotherapy of Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University, Board room on 9th April 2019 for final year BPT students.

The programme started with lamp lightening ceremony by the esteemed guests and dignitaries of the college; followed by welcome address by Dr. Rajiv Tonk, (HOD), School of Physiotherapy, DPSRU and felicitation of the guests and dignitaries with a plant and a bouquet for their eminent presence. Prof. RK Goyal, Vice Chancellor, DPSRU was called for the presidential address to the students and the guests followed by wishes by Prof. Harvinder Popli, Principal and Dean, DPSRU. Dr. Arun Kumar Aggarwal, president of DCPTOT and the chief guest of the programme enlightened the students and faculty with his words of wisdom and best wishes for the programme.

The programme was commenced by special lecture by Dr. Kenjom Ngomdir, on the topic “On field emergencies, responsibilities and independent physiotherapy practice- When, How and Where?” that thrilled the students with the knowledge and experience about most recent practical knowledge and other important clinical aspects.

The session was started after the tea break with expert talk by Prof. Arun Kumar Aggarwal, president of DCPTOT, New Delhi on the topic “Challenges in Physiotherapy Practice”. It was followed by another special talk by Dr. Kanupriya on “Emerging Scopes in Physiotherapy: A journey towards a celebrity therapist”. After the really motivational talk, guests, dignitaries and students moved for lunch.

The programme was again started after lunch with a special lecture by Dr. Mayank Jain on the topic “Universal Health Care and Working Abroad: Not a Dream Anymore”. The talk was followed by a special lecture by Prof. R.K. Goyal on the topic “Clinical Aspects of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs”. The very knowledgeable, brainstorming lecture was followed by a query session for the students where they asked doubts about practicing in abroad. At the end of the session, certificates of participation were given to the students. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Shilpa Jain, the programme coordinator followed by National anthem.

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