Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University (the first Pharmacy University in India) organized the first management forum on the theme ‘Emerging Dimensions in Hospital Healthcare System’ in its campus on 4th April 2019. This event was organized under the inspirational leadership of Prof. Dr. Harvinder Popli, Dean, DPSRU under the guidance of Prof. Ramesh Goyal, Vice Chancellor of DPSRU, New Delhi.

Prof Ramesh Goyal , shared vision of DPSRU to align with future technologies of Healthcare delivery systems. Prof Harvinder Popli shared the objective of the forum is to disseminate and cultivate the skills to enhance the understanding of the health prerequisites so as to agree on the priority areas for future work and develop a roadmap for action.

The management forum saw engaging sessions by the eminent leaders in the field of hospital healthcare systems. in various areas of hospital healthcare system .Battery of eminent speakers shared their experiences on the varied topics such as quality assurance, patient safety, affordable healthcare, leadership & administration, telemedicine, patient data management, communication in healthcare amongst others.

The chief guest to honour the event was Dr Shridhar Dwivedi, Senior Consultant, National Heart Institute with the guest of honour gracing the occasion, Dr Pawan Kumar, Additional Director (SHIB & CME), Directorate General health Services (DGHS), Government of NCT of Delhi.
Dr. Neelam Sethi, Director, Delhi Heart & Lung Institute emphasized on the impact of communication on healthcare; Prof. Dr. Ashok K. Agarwal, Former Director, School of Health Sciences, IGNOU enlightened the 130 plus audience on quality assurance & patient safety in hospitals. Dr. Vijay Agarwal, Advisor, Max Healthcare (Quality & Business Excellence) covered the challenges & opportunities in healthcare systems & the role of public & private healthcare providers to meet the healthcare needs in India.

Different aspects of health financing & insurance in India, were dealt in details in the session by Dr. Anoop K. Daga, Associate Professor, Deptt. Of Hspital Administration, AIIMS. The program ended with the talk of the special guest for the valedictory function, Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Secretary General, NatHealth. The program had the participation of 130 plus students of Masters in Hosptial Management, Masters in Public Health & MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) from DPSRU, DIPSAR, Jamia Hamdard, ITL College of Pharmacy, PDM college of Pharmacy amongst others. The event was made more interesting for the students with the poster presentation by student teams. The participants enjoyed the engaging talks & discussions by the renowned speakers who are the torch bearers in the field of hospital healthcare systems. This successful event has indeed paved way for more such management forums in the field of healthcare in the near future. Glimpses of the event: