5th meeting of the Indian Drug/Pharmaceutical Association Forum was held at CDSCO HQ and deliberated various issues to further improve quality and access of drugs in the country under the guidance of Dr. S. Eswara Reddy, Drug Controller General of India (DCGI).

Consultative Seminar on "Accessibility, Availability & Affordability of Medicines for all"

Consultative Seminar of on day on "Accessibility, Availability and Affordability of Medicines for all" was inaugurated at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The event was organised by NPPA. Dr Y K Gupta, former Professor & Head, Deptt of Pharmacology, AIIMS, Delhi, President, AIIMS, Bhopal and Adviser, THSTI - DBT, Faridabad addressed the gathering. Participants brought forward their points of view during consultative session.