All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi organized a National conference ‘AYUSHCHARYA’ on Dinacharya (Daily Regimen) and Ritucharya (Seasonal Regimen) for public health promotion” on 10th and 11th of December, 2018. About 200 academicians, physicians, scientists and researchers from all over country attended the Conference. The Minister of State for AYUSH Shri Shripad Yesso Naik delivered the valedictory address at the Conference and released the Dinacharya booklet and AYUSHCHARYA Calendar-2019. The 3rd Ayurveda Day was dedicated to public health under which series of programmes were organised and the present conference was part of it.

While addressing the Minister said that his Ministry is striving for publicizing Ayurveda for betterment of the human health and public welfare through different activities all over the world. The Minister said Ritucharya (Seasonal Regimen) calendar prepared by All India Institute of Ayurveda has elaborate description of Dincharya, Ratrichrya and Ahar-Vihar in a particular weather. To make the calendar & booklet easy to understand, number of photographs has been used tastefully.

Conference had the esteemed presence of Shri Bajrang Lal Gupta- A renowned Economist, Philosopher, Social worker as Chief Guest, Shri Dnyaneshwar Mulay, Secreatary, (CPV & OIA) Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India and Vaidya Devendra Triguna, President, Governing Body, RAV, Delhi as Guest of Honour, Prof Baldev kumar Dhiman- Vice Chancellor, Shrikrishna AYUSH University Kurukshetra, Prof Mahesh Vyas, Dean PhD studies, Dr Sujatha Kadam Dean PG studies, Dr Mangala Gowri Rao organising secretary – AYUSHCHARYA and other dignitaries and PG scholars.

Earlier, on first day of the conference Director AIIA Prof Tanuja Nesari gave the inaugural address to the conference by introducing a new term AYUSHCHARYA and cited scientific noesis of Dinacharya, Ratricharya and Ritucharya. In her address Dr Nesari also emphasised its role in prevention and promotion of health.

This was followed by address delivered by Padma Bhushan Padmashree Vaidya Devendra Triguna who stressed on YUGANURUPA- modified dinacharya practice in accordance to the present epoch.
The gathering was addressed by Dr Balraj Lal Gupta with his magnificent experience encountered with a Nadi Vaidya way back in 1976. He also punctuated on the grass root concepts of Ayurveda like hitabhuk- mita bhuk - ritu bhuk; favoured food-confined food and seasonal food.
Dr Gyaneshwar Mulay accentuated on holistic approach of Ayurveda by calling it the BRAHMASTRA to have healthy and sound society. Dr Baldev Kumar Dhiman spoke about making Ayurveda the national health care system. He also remarked various references in classical texts bout daily regimen and seasonal regimen.