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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

FDCA Commissioner of Gujarat receives Pharma Ratan Life time Achievement Award

Pharma Ratan is a prestigious global award organised by Rab Di Meher a National NGO at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Rohini, New Delhi, India on 2t5th Nov, 2018.Chief Guest was Dr.Dinesh Dua, Chairman Pharmexcil Government of India & Guest of honour was Dr. H.G.Koshia, Commissioner, FDCA - Gujarat. Dr. Koshia & Dr.Viranchi Shah, President of IDMA - GSB also received the award.

Pharma Ratan Award is a part of our vision and mission. There is huge gap between industry (pharma, healthcare, education) and regulators, between industry and academicician, between industry and research scholars. Connecting all stake holders of pharma, healthcare, regulators and academia in one platform means creation of valuable relation among each other.

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