An endeavor to take Swami Vivekananda's Teachings on Life-Management to the corporate world

At Accuprec Research Labs. Pvt. Ltd. talk by Swami Vedanishthananda, Ramakrishna Math, Ahmedabad to the 50 + staff on 'Success in Day to day Life - Understanding IQ, EQ, SQ'. The lecture is part of Accupulse lecture series, started to motivate staff of Accuprec Research Labs, Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director & CEO said in his welcome address. This is an endeavor to take Swami Vivekananda's Teachings on Life-Management to the corporate world.
Swami Vedanishthanandaji gave very interesting motivational speech. He said: "Dreaming is fine, but look at life practically. Do not go for things which is not practical itself. Work on the things that bring success. To get success we have to forget about fruits. If we do reverse, it will add stress and strain in our life. Do your duties and you will get results."
He gave example of a tree and said that "if you want fruits on a tree you will have to give water in the roots and not to the branches. Similarly in our life we have to walk like a roots of the tree. Swami Vivekananda gave the message believe in yourself. You are the creator of your own destiny. There are Three Types of strength: Physical, intellectual and spiritual. Healthy body is also necessary in life. There are four types of people in the world: Rational, emotional, contemplative and thoughtful."
"Priorities are ever changing drastically in our life. Saturation and fulfillment of desires gives us happiness. Me and mine make us happy. Happiness lies within us. To be happy do not let mind controlling you, control your mind. Impossible says I am possible if you do it on regular basis. Success in life balanced life is necessary", he added.