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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

Multi Drug Resistant TB population in India

As per Global TB report 2017, estimated number of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB patients are 6,01,000 globally, of which 147000 (1/4th) are estimated from India.

Bedaquiline drug was introduced in India in 2016 under conditional access programme for selective group of the Multi drug resistant TB patients based on drug sensitivity results of second line anti TB drugs.Bedaquiline drug is manufactured by Janssen & Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, at 100% export Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Bangalore, India. In India, this drug is available through Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) only and open market sale of Bedaquiline is not permitted by Drug Control General – India as of now.

As published in a media report, Nobel Laureate Sir John Walker had raised concern about the already known cardiotoxicity associated with the drug Bedaquiline. The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

After the Prime Minister’s letter to Chief Ministers on TB, several States/UTs have established review committees under the Chairmanship of Health Minister or Secretary (Health) at the State level. Similarly, the States/UTs have also established review committees under the District Collectors / Magistrates at the district level. The State level reviews are conducted quarterly, and the District level reviews are conducted monthly.

The Central Government is regularly monitoring the State Governments on implementation of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) and has guided the States to establish State / District level forums involving all stakeholders for ensuring a holistic approach and community led response towards addressing the problem related to Tuberculosis

These State / District level reviews track progress on key priorities and help the State and District to improve performance on newer initiatives undertaken by RNTCP like Daily Regimen, Universal Drug Susceptibility testing, active TB case finding in vulnerable groups, molecular diagnostics expansion, Bedaquiline based drug resistant TB treatment expansion, incentives under Nikshay Poshan Yojana for nutritional support, etc.

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