S. K. Patel College of Pharm. Education & Research, Ganpat University organized AICTE-ISTE sponsored INDUCTION/ REFRESHER PROGRAMMES. Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director & CEO of Accuprec Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. has been invited as a Resource person in the event. The theme of the program was “Train the Trainer: to fulfill the Pharma Vision 2020 of Government of India”. In this program total 40 faculty members of different pharmacy college of Gujarat participated. Principal P.I. Patel & Nilesh Patel, head of Pharmacology welcomed the expert from the industry.
Ganpat University and the township of Ganpat Vidyanagar, a high-tech education campus is a joint initiatives; purely for philanthropy; of a large number of industrialists and technocrats, noble farmers and affluent businessmen; having a mission of “Social Upliftment through Education”. The university is located in the campus spread over more than 300 acres of land with world class infrastructure and more than 10,000 students acquiring quality education.