International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June’ 2018 in Yoga & Fitness Centre of Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University, New Delhi. The program was held under the kind guidance of Prof. Ramesh K. Goya, Honourable Vice Chancellor, DPSRU. The co-ordinator of the program was Dr Shilpa Jain. The program was started by registration and distribution of assorted T-shirts with a logo of Yoga Day printed on it.
Dr Poornaiya Sreenivasan was the Chief Guest from IREDA. The event was started by the Lamp Lighting and remembering the almighty followed by special address by Hon’ble VC DPSRU Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal, Prof. D P Pathak -Director DIPSAR and the Chief Guest Dr Sreenivasan regarding the celebration of Yoga Day and importance of Yoga.
Certificates were distributed to the meritorious students of Certificate Course in Yoga, a six months course being run by the University.
Everybody practiced Yoga asanas and pranayama under the kind guidance of Acharya C. P. Ray. A total of 30 students and approx. 25 teaching and non- teaching faculty took part in the event. The program was ended up by distribution of refreshment to all the participants.