A book on research for over Three decades on microbial & human cellular systems titled 'Human Microbes - The Power Within' published by Springer has been released recently. The book has been written by Dr Vasu Appanna, Member of Board of Advisers of Accuprec Research Labs. Dr. Appanna is a professor of biochemistry and has also served as Department Chair and Dean of the Faculty at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada.
This book offers a unique perspective on the invisible organ, a body part that has been visualized only recently. It guides the readers into the world of the microbial constituents that make humans the way they are. The vitamins they produce, the smell they generate, the signals they create, and the molecular guards they elaborate are some of the benefits they bestow on humans.
After introducing the notion as to why microbes are an integral component in the development of humans, the book examines the genesis of the microbiome and describes how the resident bacteria work in partnership with the skin, digestive tract, sexual organs, mouth and lungs to execute vital physiological functions. It then discusses the diseases that are triggered by the disruption of the harmonious relationships amongst these diverse systems and provides microbial cures to ailments such as obesity and digestive complications. Finally, the book focuses on the future when the workings of the human microbes will be fully unravelled. Societal changes in health education, the establishment of the microbiome bank, the fight against hunger, space travel, designer traits and enhanced security are explained. Each chapter is accompanied by captivating illustrations and ends with a visual summary.
The book is aimed at readers enrolled in medical, chiropractic, nursing, pharmacy, and health science programs. Practicing health-care professionals and continuing education learners will also find the content beneficial.

About the Author

Dr. Appanna is the member of Board of Advisors in Accuprec Research Labs. He has been teaching and researching for over 30 years on various aspects of how microbes go about surviving in extreme environments. He is in fact ‘a bacterial whisperer’ and has been able to ‘talk’ microbes into executing a variety of challenging tasks. For instance, he has tailored microbes to grow in metal-polluted areas, live on glycerol and adopt a lifestyle on limited oxygen. Dr. Appanna has published in excess of hundred articles in scientific journals and lectured extensively around the globe including France, India, Russia, Chile and China. He is the academic editor of numerous journal publications. He has served as Department Chair and Dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering at Laurentian University.
As a prolific researcher he has trained and mentored over 150 highly qualified research personnel. He has also helped identify some of the mechanisms metal pollutants invoke to trigger obesity and neurological diseases. His passion and knowledge of microbes have taken him around the globe in pursuit of biotechnological solutions. Whether it is the search for microbes to mitigate pollution in the Black Sea or to extend the life of oil reserve in Sarov, Russia or to improve water quality in the aquaculture industry in Vietnam, or to mine valuable metals in the Atacama desert, Chile, Dr. Appanna has been a pioneer in cajoling microbes in performing a desired chore. In this book he has summoned his extensive teaching skills, microbial expertise and background in human health to weave the fascinating facets of our invisible organ.