The Government has formulated the National Health Policy, 2017, which aims at attainment of the highest possible level of good health and well-being, through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in all developmental policies, and universal access to good quality health care services without anyone having to face financial hardship as a consequence.
The Government has also devised various new initiatives on health sector which are given below:
New Initiatives in Health Sector
The Government has devised various new initiatives on health sector which inter-alia includes:
Introduction of new vaccines
Mission Indradhanush
NHM Free Drug and Diagnostics Initiatives
Setting up of New AIIMS Institutions
Upgradation of district hospitals to medical college hospitals.
PradhanMantri National Dialysis Services Programme
The Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)
Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIS)
India Newborn Action Plan
Biomedical Equipment Management & Maintenance Program (BMMP)
MAA- Mother's Absolute Affection Programme
Kayakalp initiative
Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) outlets
Health and wellness centres to provide comprehensive primary healthcare.
Universal Screening of Non-Communicable Diseases- Government of India launched Operational Guidelines on prevention, screening and control of common Non-Communicable Diseases: Hypertension, Diabetes and Common Cancer-Oral, Breast, Cervix.
Scheme for strengthening of Drug Regulatory system in the country
National Quality Assurance Programme, under which, Quality Standards for District Hospitals, Community Health Centres, Primary Health Centres and Urban Primary Health Centres have been formulated.
New Mental Health Policy 2014 envisions promoting mental health, by providing accessible, affordable and quality health and social care to all persons with mental illness.
Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification test (CB NAAT) specialized machines which enables accurate diagnosis of drug resistant TB within a few hours facilitating diagnosis and treatment of Drug Resistant TB have been set up in 628 districts.
Daily regimen for treatment of TB has been rolled out in five States. This will significantly improve treatment compliance.
E-governance system (SUGAM) has been introduced in CDSCO for online processing of applications, linking of CDSCO HQ with other offices, laboratories, and for maintenance of database to promote ease of doing business.
New medical device Rules have been framed and published to provide separate legal framework for regulation of medical devices. The new Rules will facilitate expeditious approval of medical devices.
E-health initiatives such as Kilkari, Mobile Academy, ANM On Line (ANMOL), Mera Aspataal, e-hospital, e-rakthkosh, etc., have been rolled out.