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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

Meeting of Board of Advisors held to plan out Development Strategy of Accuprec

Meeting of Board of Advisors to plan out Development Strategy of Accuprec was held on 27th January, 2018.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Padmin Buch, Chairman of BoA & Members - Dr. Jaimin Vasa, Dr. S.P.Adesara, Dr. M.C. Gohel, Mr. Rajiv Mehta and Mr. Anil Pandey.

Mr. Mulubhai Kandoriya, MD welcomed all and gave his vision to develop the company. BoA Members alongwith all the Directors & MD took round of the facilities and observed the services provided by the Contract Research Organisation (CRO).

  • Mr. Padmin Buch, Chief Mentor & Chairman of BoA gave insight about the technical aspects of work going on in 14 verticals in Accuprec.

  • Dr. Rina Gokani, Director & CSO presented history of the company & how it was brought to the current level.

  • Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director & CEO gave detail about how Accuprec is providing services to around 200 clients

  • Mr. Mayur Kandoriya presented the future strategy and told about how it will be implemented.

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