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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

Unprecedented response to Accuprec stall in CPhI India

Team of Accuprec Research Labs Pvt Ltd got unprecedented response in CPhI India 2017 exhibition at BEC Mumbai. Stall Q 5 in Hall 2 of Accuprec received attention of foreigners as well as Manufacturers, Distributors and Service providers from various parts of India.

Dr. Rina Gokani, Chief Scientific Officer & CSO, Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director & CEO and Mayur Kandoriya, Director & CMO of Accuprec provided the details asked through lots of inquiries from representatives and Head honchos of various companies. Prominent IPR expert and Chairman of Board of Advisors Padmin Buch also helped in replying queries from corporates as well as B2B meetings held during the event. The overwhelming response to the stall of Accuprec was also managed by Sagar Bhut, Research Associate, Kruti Upadyay, Research Assistant, Asawari Gawande, Research Assistant.

Snaps from the event:

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