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  • Writer's pictureSanjay Trivedi

National Pharmacy Week will be celebrated during 19th to 25th Nov

The Indian Pharmaceutical Association has been celebrating the National Pharmacy Week every year during the third week of November. The 56th National Pharmacy Week (NPW) will be celebrated from 19th to 25th November, 2017. The theme selected for this year is: "Know about your Medicines: Ask your Pharmacist".

The major focus of NPW celebrations is to create awareness amongst the public, other healthcare providers and the authorities, about the NPW theme in specific and about the pharmacy profession and role of the pharmacist in general.

The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) is the oldest premier association of pharmaceutical professionals in India, with a member base of over 13,000, spread across the length and breadth of the nation. IPA operates in India through 20 state branches and more than 46 local branches. The members represent various facets of pharmaceutical profession viz., industry, regulatory, community and hospital pharmacy practices and education. As a member of the Drug Technical Advisory Board, India, IPA is actively involved in advising the government on matters of professional importance. IPA is affiliated with international pharma associations like FIP, FAPA, CPA, AAPS, AAiPS and is working with international bodies such as WHO and WHPA for carrying out various collaborative professional activities that include organizing training programmes for professionals from industry, academics, regulatory and practice. IPA makes representations to the authorities on matters of professional interest and works constantly towards upgrading the standards of pharmacy professional services offered by the pharmacists. IPA’s major objective is to position pharmacists as one of the important healthcare providers in our country.

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